Medical Students
As the youngest top-10 medical school in the nation, we are a groundbreaking community of problem solvers, caregivers, innovators and life-long learners with a noble mission: to heal humankind by delivering leading-edge research, education, patient care and community engagement.
For more information, please visit the David Geffen School of Medicine.
Psychiatry Clerkship
Clerkship Chair

Brandon Ito, MD, MPH
Oversees and leads clerkship curriculum development and ensures learning outcomes for both Psychiatry and the David Geffen School of Medicine are met at all clinical sites.
Site Directors

Jason Jalil, MD
Site Director of UCLA Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital (RNPH)

Benjamin Woo, MD
Site Director of UCLA Olive View Hospital

Daniel Cho, MD
Site Director of Charles Drew University Kedren Community Clinic

David Rad, MD
Site Director of Harbor UCLA

Dean Sasaki, MD
Site Director of West Los Angeles Veterans Affairs Hospital

Sarayu Vasan, MD, MPH
Site Director for Kern Medical

Timothy Kiong MD
Site Director for Kern Medical
1) The Psychiatry clerkship is a four- week experience in which the student is immersed in the practice of clinical psychiatry. The major components of the clerkship are:
- Clinical care of patients with psychiatric illnesses in various settings including inpatient, outpatient, ER, and consultation-liaison services
- Site-specific didactic sessions
- Recommended readings, study guide, podcasted lectures, and self-assessment questions on Gryphon
2) Clinical Experiences: Students are assigned to one of five clinical sites: RNPH/UCLA, West LA VA, Harbor-UCLA, Olive View Hospital and Kedren Community Mental Health Center. Students do not take overnight call on the Psychiatry Clerkship. Specific details of call vary by site, but will be approximately once per week, and will involve assessment of patients in the Emergency Department.
Psychiatry Electives
4th Year Medical Student Education Director

Margaret Stuber, MD
Oversees all 4th year Psychiatry electives across Resnick, Olive View, Harbor, and West LA VA
Elective Course Chairs

Timothy Fong, MD
Course Chair for:
PS365.02 Addiction Psychiatry

Jennifer Kruse, MD
Course Chair for:
PS250.01 Consult-Liaison Psychiatry

Benjamin Schneider, MD
Course Chair for:
PS 235.01 ABC Program Child Psychiatry

Course Chair for:
PS386.01 Inpatient Child

Randall Espinoza, MD, MPH
Course Chair for:
PS356.01 Inpatient Geriatric Sub-I

Jason Jalil, MD
Course Chair for:
PS452.01 Adult Inpatient Sub-I
PS350.01 Adult Inpatient Sub-I
1) Medical students join one of five academic colleges during the latter part of their third year based on career interest or enrollment in special programs. Students work closely with their College faculty members in the third and fourth year of training.
2) We offer seven different electives at UCLA. They are:
- Adult Inpatient Sub-Internships: PS452.01 and PS 350.01
- Addiction Psychiatry: PS365.02
- Inpatient Child Psychiatry Sub-Internship: PS386.01
- Inpatient Geriatric Psychiatry Sub-Internship: PS356.01
- Consult-Liasion Psychiatry: PS250.02
- Outpatient Child Psychiatry: PS235.01
3) More information can be found here.