Visiting Undergraduate Researchers (VURs)

What is a VUR?

Undergraduate students from other universities who wish to participate in research or other scholarly opportunities on campus

All Visiting Undergraduate Researchers must be sponsored by UCLA faculty who are members of the Academic Senate (i.e., eligible to mentor doctoral students). In order to be sure that we have a record of these “undergraduate student visitors,” all such visitors are required to be registered.

Compensation Received by Student (category & mechanism)Undergraduate Student Visitor Status at UCLAAction Required to Complete Registration Process
Paid by UCLA with UCLA or outside agency/company funds via stipend (through financial aid office).  Funds intended only to further student’s education or research endeavors.UCLA Program ParticipantComplete UID request process shepherded by Division of Undergraduate Education
•UID Request – Cover Sheet
•UID Request – Student Data Sheet
Paid by Program Outside of UCLA (student paid directly by outside program but expected to participate in activity at UCLA).Non-UCLA Undergraduate VisitorComplete process shepherded by Undergraduate Research Center – Sciences.
•Non-UCLA Student Undergraduate Visitor Registration Requirements and Instructions
•Non-UCLA Student Undergraduate Visitor Form
•Evidence of Health Insurance Coverage Form
•Office of Insurance and Risk Management (OIRM) Voluntary Waiver (if under 18, please also sign the “Release of Liability, Waiver of Claims, Express Assumption of Risks, and Hold Harmless Agreement” at the bottom
•Patent Acknowledgement for Undergraduate Researchers

Departments interested in temporarily bringing in undergraduate international students to UCLA for research projects or other creative activities should fill out the Pre-Registration Form for International Visitors.  The section called “Reason for Visit” should be filled out by the faculty mentor and should detail the planned research project.  The home address should be the student’s address in their native country.

The completed form should be faxed to the Undergraduate Research Center – Sciences at (310) 267-2219 or sent as a .pdf file (preferred) to the Center Director Dr. Tama Hasson at

Once approved, if your student needs a J-1 visa, your file will be conveyed to the Dashew Center for International Students & Scholars for initiation of J-1 Non-Degree Student Visa Processing (DS-2019).  Once a Visa is in place for your undergraduate visitor, proceed with the process delineated below to generate a student ID (if needed for payment) and to register the student with the Undergraduate Research Center – Sciences.

Approved BSMP students will have a Continuing Education Unit (CEU) bearing 800-level course created for them with UCLA Extension.

Health & Welfare

Please visit the Clinical and research fellowships in Psychiatry and the Neurosciences at UCLA.

Application for postdoctoral training at UCLA is made to a specific faculty member or members in an academic department or research unit. In order to help identify an appropriate faculty member, you may wish to access the UCLA database of  faculty member research interests and contact information. (more information on UCLA Graduate Division website)