Teaching Apprentices (TAs)
What is a teaching apprentice?
Assist faculty members with scholarly research. As a matter of University policy, academic apprentice personnel are considered primarily as students being professionally trained, and graduate student status takes precedence over University employment. These apprenticeships are intended to provide qualified students with relevant training experience for academic and academic-related careers in teaching and research and to augment limited resources from within the University for graduate student support.

Appointment Criteria
Teaching Assistant/Associate/Fellow
- Selected for their scholarship and promise as teachers
- Primary duty is to assist in all aspects of instruction (tutoring, grading, advising, sectional teaching, sectional laboratory teaching, field work teaching, limited lecturing)
- Duties are performed under the supervision of faculty “Instructor of Record” who are vested with the sole and final responsibility for course content, work assignments, performance evaluations and grading in the assigned course
- May supervise teaching assignments in small sections of undergraduate courses or laboratories
- May NOT be given sole responsibility for the content of a course, selection of assignments, planning of exams, or grading
- May NOT be used exclusively as readers
Title: Teaching Assistant (title code 2310)
- No experience necessary
- 3.0 GPA
- Enrolled in at least 12 units
- 375 course enrollment
- Not to exceed 12 quarters
- Test of Oral Proficiency (TOP) requirement
Teaching Associate (title code 1506)
- Master’s degree or has completed at least 36 units of graduate coursework (not including courses 375 or 495)
- Has at least one academic year (three academic quarters or two semesters) of UCLA TA
- experience (or approved collegiate teaching experience at a comparable institution)
- 3.0 GPA
- Enrolled in at least 12 units 375 course enrollment
- Not to exceed 12 quarters
- TOP requirement
- Advancements to teaching associate are made upon recommendation by the chair of the department, based on performance evaluations by supervising faculty (which must be documented if advancement is withheld from an otherwise qualified student)
Teaching Fellow (title code 2300)
- Advanced course assistants who perform the same duties as teaching associates. Formally advanced to doctoral candidacy
- Demonstrated professional maturity and excellence as a scholar and teacher
- Two academic years (six academic quarters or four semesters) of UCLA TA experience (or approved teaching experience at a comparable institution)
- May provide the entire instruction of a lower division course under the general supervision of the regular faculty member in charge of the course
- 3.0 GPA
- Enrolled in at least 12 units.
- 375 course enrollment
- Not to exceed 12 quarters
- TOP requirement
- Advancements to teaching fellow are made upon recommendation by the chair of the department, based on performance evaluations by supervising faculty (which must be documented if advancement is withheld from an otherwise qualified student)
Titles & Classification
Teaching Apprentices supervise assignments in small discussion and lab sections of undergraduate courses.
- Teaching Assistant (title code 2310)
- Teaching Associate (title code 1506)
- Teaching Fellow (title code 2300)
Teaching Apprentice Salary Scale
ASE Salary Scale: ASE Salary Scale
Range adjustments happen at the beginning of each October. Academic apprentice personnel are compensated at rates established by the University of California Office of the President. Student assistants who have previously served in academic apprentice positions may be reappointed or advanced to the titles for which they are qualified no later than two weeks prior to the effective date of their employment. No advancements can occur for a given quarter after the beginning of that quarter. Reappointments and advancements are not automatic.
For more information, please click here.
Appointment Action Requests
- Complete Action Request form: Please make sure to include the following information on the appropriate fields on the form.
- Indicate current and new step/percent.
- Indicate effective date and end date.
- Add comments to confirm request.
- Add administrator and fund manager names.
- Submit the form to ATO email for processing.
- Complete Action Request form: Please make sure to include the following information on the appropriate fields on the form.
- Indicate current and new rate.
- Indicate effective date.
- Add administrator and fund manager names.
- Add comments to confirm request.
- Brief justification of rate change.
- Submit the form to ATO email for processing.
- Complete Action Request form: Please make sure to include the following information on the appropriate fields on the form.
- Indicate termination effective date. (last date of on pay status)
- Add comments to confirm request.
- Attach a resignation letter.
- Add administrator and fund manager names.
- Submit the form to ATO email for processing.
- Complete Action Request form: Please make sure to include the following information on the appropriate fields on the form.
- Indicate new FAU.
- Indicate amount per month.
- Indicate fund name.
- Indicate authorizing agency.
- Add comments to confirm request.
- Add administrator and fund manager names.
- Submit the form to ATO email for processing.
- Complete Action Request form: Please make sure to include the following information on the appropriate fields on the form.
- Indicate new FAU.
- Indicate amount per month.
- Indicate fund name.
- Indicate authorizing agency.
- Add comments to confirm request.
- Add administrator and fund manager names.
- Submit the form to ATO email for processing.
- Complete Action Request form: Please make sure to include the following information on the appropriate fields on the form.
- Indicate new FAU.
- Indicate amount per month.
- Indicate fund name.
- Indicate authorizing agency.
- Add comments to confirm request.
- Add administrator and fund manager names.
- Submit the form to ATO email for processing.

Teaching Apprentice Appointment Form
When do I use this form? When you would like to appoint a new teaching apprentice.

Action Request Form
When do I use this form? When you need to request changes to current and active Postdoc, Predoc, GSRs, or TA appointments.

Pre-Appointment Questionnaire for Graduate Student Researcher, Predoctoral Fellows, and TAs
When do I use this form? This is required to provide ATO information regarding student appointment information. Must be included in GSR/Predoc/TA pre-appointment packet.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are TA Fee Remissions?
See chart below. The cost will be charged as a direct cost to fund sources. In the event of multiple appointments collectively equal to 25% time or greater, charges will be prorated among the eligible fund distributions.
What is the maximum percentage of time - maximum working hours?
UC students may not be employed for more than 50 percent of full time during an academic quarter, in any single or combination of University titles, academic and/or staff, including University Extension unless authorized by the Dean of the student’s school or college. Percentages are figured on the basis of 100 percent = 40 hours per week. Students can be employed up to 100 percent during quarter breaks and summer.
For teaching assistants/associates/fellows, the 20 hours should include the time in faculty lectures, preparation, classroom or laboratory teaching, reading and commenting on student papers or examinations, office consultation, and other duties required to carry out the teaching role.
What is the duties and requirements according to Graduate Division?
- Selected for their scholarship and promise as teachers Primary duty is to assist in all aspects of instruction (tutoring, grading, advising, sectional teaching, sectional laboratory teaching, field work teaching, limited lecturing).
- Duties are performed under the supervision of faculty “Instructor of Record” who are vested with the sole and final responsibility for course content, work assignments, performance evaluations and grading in the assigned course.
- May supervise teaching assignments in small sections of undergraduate courses or laboratories.
- May NOT be given sole responsibility for the content of a course, selection of assignments, planning of exams, or grading.
- May NOT be used exclusively as readers.
Teaching Assistant (Title code 2310)
- No experience necessary
- 3.0 GPA
- Enrolled in at least 12 units
- 375 course enrollment
- Not to exceed 12 quarters
- Test of Oral Proficiency (TOP) requirement
Teaching Associate (Title Code 1506)
- Master’s degree or has completed at least 36 units of graduate coursework (not including courses 375 or 495)
- Has at least one academic year (three academic quarters or two semesters) of UCLA TA experience (or approved collegiate teaching experience at a comparable institution)
- 3.0 GPA
- Enrolled in at least 12 units
- 375 course enrollment
- Not to exceed 12 quarters
- TOP requirement
Advancements to teaching associate are made upon recommendation by the chair of the department, based on performance evaluations by supervising faculty (which must be documented if advancement is withheld from an otherwise qualified student)
Teaching Fellow (Title code 2300)
- Advanced course assistants who perform the same duties as teaching associates. Formally advanced to doctoral candidacy
- Demonstrated professional maturity and excellence as a scholar and teacher
- Two academic years (six academic quarters or four semesters) of UCLA TA experience (or approved teaching experience at a comparable institution)
- May provide the entire instruction of a lower division course under the general supervision of the regular faculty member in charge of the course
- 3.0 GPA
- Enrolled in at least 12 units
- 375 course enrollment
- Not to exceed 12 quarters
- TOP requirement
Advancements to teaching fellow are made upon recommendation by the chair of the department, based on performance evaluations by supervising faculty (which must be documented if advancement is withheld from an otherwise qualified student.