Visiting Graduate Researcher (VGRs)

What is a VGR?

Visiting Graduate Researcher is a domestic or international degree-seeking graduate students at their home institution who are invited to conduct short-term doctoral research or participate in a mentored or independent research project or master’s research collaborations with a faculty member at UCLA.

The Purpose of the Visit Must be:

  1. Enrolled as degree-seeking graduate student at a non-University of California institution and maintaining satisfactory advancement towards the completion of his or her academic degree, and
  2. Invited to conduct short-term doctoral research or participate in a “prescribed course of study” such as a mentored or independent research project or master’s research collaborations with a faculty member at UCLA.
  3. All Visiting Graduate Researchers must be sponsored by UCLA faculty who are members of the Academic Senate (i.e., eligible to mentor doctoral students).
  4. Prescribed course of study: a non-degree academic visit with a specific educational objective related to the scholar’s field of study, not including enrollment in UCLA courses or receipt of a UCLA transcript. Allowable activities include mentored or independent research projects, master’s or doctoral research collaborations, and classroom instruction (University Extension only).
  5. Academic training: work, training or experience related directly to a student’s field of study. Such training may include – but is not limited to – internships, practice, and field work.
    Appropriate activities vary by discipline. May involve sequential or simultaneous activities, either paid or unpaid.
  6. Doctoral dissertation research: individual must be advanced to candidacy or the equivalent at the home institution.

Please note: UC graduate students visiting UCLA for research or courses complete the intercampus exchange process rather than hold a VGR appointment.

Applicable Only if International J-1 Visa Applicants:

Proof of funding support: In order to be eligible for a J-1, the visa office requires proof of funding during the duration of the J-1 at the minimum of $2,247.33 monthly. At least 51% of their funding must come from a source other than personal or family funds. Ie. Fellowships, grants, awards, etc.

Fees Associated

  • Domestic VGR: Campus Fees
  • International VGR: Campus Fees and visa processing fees.
  • See sample fee chart: Please make sure to visit the VGR Website for the most up to date fee amounts

Duration of Appointment:

  • Minimum Appointment Duration: 3 weeks.
  • 1 month required for international visitors.
  • Maximum stay is 24 months. No exceptions.



Step-by-Step Process


Step-by-Step Process


Step 1) Complete the Semel Visiting Graduate Researcher Pre-Appointment Questionnaire prior to filling out the form below.
Step 2) Arrange a time to meet with the ATO for further guidance by filling out the inquiry request form below. Make sure to upload the questionnaire from Step 1 at the bottom of the inquiry.

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Graduate Division does not have any restrictions for VGRs to hold another employment within UCLA.

Yes, there are no restrictions for a an international VGR to hold another employment within UCLA. See link below for application. Please submit to the Dashew Center for review and approval. For further questions, please contact Tony Coelho.

Yes, they are eligible to submit a housing application for Weyburn Terrace and University Village Family building.

Application can be found here. by selecting the “Single Graduate Housing Application” or “Family Housing Application” link, contingent on specific housing needs. For more information on UCLA housing terms and conditions for VGRs, please visit the Ask Housing website. VGRs may also refer to the Community Housing Office for information on other local housing options.

No, original copies with wet signatures are required for the final application.

No. VGRs are not considered UCLA students and are not eligible to enroll in UCLA courses. However, they may enroll in courses through UCLA Extension course.

No, faculty is not required to cover the cost of the VGR appointment but can elect to cover to do so.

No, they are mandatory and cannot be waived.

Yes, please submit the following:

  • Action request form
  • An account that is allowable to be linked to a 78* prefix and eligible for the charges