Capstone Project Requirement
- 1 of 2 Core Courses (5 units) – Psychiatry 174 or Psychiatry 176
- 3 elective upper division courses (12-13 units) *see list of approved electives below
- 2 capstone courses (8 units)- Psychiatry 199
Capstone Project Requirement
a written paper based on the 2 quarters of research or practicum experience
A minimum of 20 units applied toward the minor requirements must be in addition to units applied toward major requirements or another minor. Each minor course must be taken for a letter grade, and students must have an overall grade-point average of 2.0 or better in the minor. Successful completion of the minor is indicated on the transcript and diploma.
Appointments will only be available for minor students. Should you have particular questions about the BBH minor, kindly email them to:
Approved List of Electives

173: Mental Health: Bias, Inequities and Racism
174: Brain & Behavioral Health: Child & Adolescence
175: Mindfulness Practice & Theory
176: Brain & Behavioral Health: Adulthood & Aging
178: Cannabis and Cannabinoids: From Pharmacology to Public Policy
M182: Personal Brain Management
174: Brain & Behavioral Health: Child & Adolescence
175: Mindfulness Practice & Theory
176: Brain & Behavioral Health: Adulthood & Aging
178: Cannabis and Cannabinoids: From Pharmacology to Public Policy
M182: Personal Brain Management

M107: Asian American Personality & Mental Health
127B: Abnormal Psychology: Biological Bases
129C: Culture and Mental Health
152: Mind Body Interactions and Health
161: Brain and Behavior Development
164: Puberty and Sleep
127B: Abnormal Psychology: Biological Bases
129C: Culture and Mental Health
152: Mind Body Interactions and Health
161: Brain and Behavior Development
164: Puberty and Sleep

CM123: Neurobiology of Sleep
C177: Drug Abuse - Neurobiology
M187: Neurobiology of Bias
192C: Drug Abuse & Society
C177: Drug Abuse - Neurobiology
M187: Neurobiology of Bias
192C: Drug Abuse & Society

Human Biology & Society
102: Societal & Medical Issues in Human Genetics
M140: Hormones & Behavior in Humans & Other Animals
141: Nature versus Nurture: Genes & Environment
M144 Stress & Society: Biology & Inequality
M140: Hormones & Behavior in Humans & Other Animals
141: Nature versus Nurture: Genes & Environment
M144 Stress & Society: Biology & Inequality