Neuropsychology Fellowship


The Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program in Neuropsychology aims to prepare the next generation of scientist-practitioners for careers in academic research and clinical applications within the specialty area of neuropsychology. The program achieves its goals through training in a series of tracks, including both Academic/Research and Clinician/Educator emphases. Tracks with an Academic/Research emphasis are designed to prepare applicants for academic careers in teaching and clinical research, and tracks with Clinician/Educator emphases are designed to prepare applicants for private or hospital-based practice providing neuropsychological services and advanced training in clinical neuropsychology. All Fellows, regardless of track, will receive broad training and experience in both research and clinical practice. The difference between tracks is their allocation of major rotation and elective time. All tracks individually tailor the Fellow’s training program to achieve these goals in light of the Fellow’s prior competencies and experiences. Our program is designed as a Major Area of Study following the Taxonomy for Education and Training in Clinical Neuropsychology[1].

In the 2023-2024 academic year, we will have 16  NP fellows participating in 11 tracks. For recruitment in 2024, we anticipate openings in the following tracks: 

  • Clinical Neuropsychology Track (Adult or Lifespan) -1  
  • Clinical Neuropsychology Pediatric Track – 1 
  • Clinical Neuropsychology Geropsychology Track – 1 
  • Clinical Neuropsychology of Polytrauma/TBI and Recovery Track – 2 
  • Clinical Neuropsychology Brain Injury (BrainSport) Track – 1 
  • Hispanic Neuropsychiatric Center for Excellence
    • Clinical Cultural Neuropsychology (CNP) Track – 1 
    • Clinical Neuropsychology BASIC-T Track -1 

Additional fellows may be admitted into the Neuropsychology Research Track with funding independent of these offerings.

[1] Scott A. Sperling, Cynthia R. Cimino, Nikki H. Stricker, Amy K. Heffelfinger, Jennifer L. Gess, Katie E. Osborn & Brad L. Roper (2017) Taxonomy for Education and Training in Clinical Neuropsychology: past, present, and future, The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 31:5, 817-828, DOI: 10.1080/13854046.2017.1314017 

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