Trainee Life



First Year Clinical Fellow

Second Year Clinical Fellow


Annual: $71,760

Annual: $73,912


  • Interns: Interns receive 15 days of vacation per year.
  • Fellows: Fellows receive 24 days of vacation per year.

Educational Leave

  • Interns only: 8 days per year.


  • There are 13 University Holidays per year.

Sick Leave

  • 12 days per year.

Parental Leave

  • 2 weeks per year.

The UCLA Medical Center provides trainees and their family with medical, dental, and vision insurance. Please visit these links for more information on the health and insurance coverage for house staff:

Clinical Psychology trainees participate and are automatically enrolled in the UC Safe Harbor Retirement Savings Plan. SafeHarbor participants contribute 7.5% of their wages, on a pretax basis, in lieu of contributing to Social Security. Contributions begin on the first day of the eligible appointment. You can learn more about this plan here (link to

Trainees may also choose to voluntarily contribute an additional portion of their gross salary on a pretax basis to a 403b, thus reducing the participant’s taxable income. Taxes on contributions and any earnings are deferred (that is, postponed) until the participant withdraws the money. The additional contribution is entirely voluntary.

What is the Educational Support fund? 

Educational funds to support the educational advancement of Psychology Trainees. Each trainee is eligible to receive up to $1000 in support funds. If a trainee’s total expenses exceed this amount, any coverage must be paid from other sources. These funds can be used for any reasonable educational purpose (e.g., conference registration, travel, lodging, meals) but the costs must be justified.  

A trainee may request more than one award in a given academic year but the total funding available through this mechanism will not exceed $1,000 in total.  

The educational support funds are a reimbursement and is awarded to the trainee via direct deposit.  

Who is eligible?  

Eligible trainees include doctoral interns (title code 2717) and postdoctoral fellows in clinical psychology (title code 2740). The eligible period for any trainee is the program year.  

  • For Interns 07/01 – 06/30 coinciding with the academic year 
    • Funds must be requested at least 2-months before your end date (e.g., last day of internship, 06/30/25 funds must be requested by no later than 04/30/25) *deadline does not apply to conferences – see below*  
  • For Fellows – the program year is counted as the calendar year beginning with their start-date 
    • Funds are not carried over each year (e.g., any unused funds from 1st year does will not give you $2K to use for your 2nd year)  
    • Funds must be requested at least 2-months before your end date or your renewal date (e.g., your 1st year ends on 08/31/25, funds must be requested (via submission process below) by no later than 06/30/25) *deadline date does not apply to conferences – see below* 

Conferences Only 

  • Trainees must complete the “Approval Request for Conference Travel” form and submit to their primary supervisor and copy Jewelle prior to attending the conference. Once you receive approval from primary supervisor then proceed to make arrangements.  
  • Trainees are allowed a total of 3 attendance-only conference days per year. Trainees are also allowed to use vacation days to attend conferences, workshops, and other outside training of interest. 
  • Conference days that are approved for departmental reimbursement (see above) do not count against these 3 days.   
  • Attendance-only requests may be denied if your absence will cause undue burden on your fellow trainees and/or impact clinical care. 
  • Conference reimbursements must be submitted within 2 weeks of the conference end date. Any late submissions will not guarantee reimbursement. (e.g., last day of conference 02/04/25, deadline to submit reimbursement request would be 02/17/25) 

How can funds be requested?  

Step 1: Gather your receipts and or any documents related to the reimbursement request such as registration confirmations into one PDF and in sequential order.  

Step 2:  Complete qualtrics survey 

  • Upload PDF of receipts. 
  • If conference, please make sure to complete and include “approval request for conference travel”.  

Step 3: You will receive a confirmation email from letting you know we have received your request and if there are additional steps needed.  


Please allow 6–8-week processing time 

Trainees may receive psychotherapy at no fee or a very low fee from off-campus volunteer faculty. Many psychologists regard their experience in psychotherapy as important in their development as psychologists, in addition to being useful personally. Please contact Jennifer Haydn-Jones if you are interested in this opportunity. Receiving therapy is entirely confidential.

Interns may also receive short-term therapy and medication management through the UCLA Behavioral Wellness Center.